

Parents and caregivers may be concerned about how ongoing or acute stressors can affect the emotional well-being of their children. Save the Children has prepared the following 10 tips to support children.

10 Tips from Save the Children

Save the Children recommends parents, teachers, grandparents and caregivers:

  1. Limit media time.
    Social media, news reports and other sources of information can frighten or overwhelm children and even adults. So, limit children’s media exposure.
  2. Listen to your children carefully.
    Children can experience stress when they do not understand what is happening. Listen to their worries or fears and help them understand the situation and ease concerns.
  3. Give children reassurance.
    Tell children that adults are working to protect and help children. Also,let them know that if an emergency happens, your main concern would be their safety.
  4. Be alert for significant changes in behavior.
    Pay attention to changes in children’s sleeping patterns, eating habits, and concentration levels. Also watch for wide emotional swings or frequent physical complaints. If you notice significant changes, you may want to seek additional support from a professional.
  5. Understand children’s unique needs.
    Not every child will experience a stressor in the same way. As children develop, their intellectual, physical and emotional abilities change. Remember that children of any age can be affected and offer them encouragement and support.
  6. Give your children extra time and attention.
    Children need close,personal attention to know they are safe. Talk, play and, most importantly, listen to them.
  7. Be a model for your children.
    Your children will learn how to manage their emotions by seeing how you respond. Be sure to use age-appropriate language when talking about how you’re feeling.
  8. Get moving.
    Allow children time to move their body through play, games or exercises.
  9. Help your children return to a normal routine.
    Children benefit from routine activities such as set eating times, bed time, and playing with others. Parents should make sure their children’s school or child care is also return to normal schedules.
  10. Encourage your children to do volunteer work.
    Helping others can give children a sense of control and security and promote helping behavior.