You’ll definitely know you’ve made a difference when your students throw you a party 47 years after you taught their 7th grade class. Such was the case when Mr. Jacob Jarrell returned for a visit to Calhoun County where his career began fresh out of college. Over 100 people stopped by the Arnoldsburg Park to say hello and reminisce as students and friends on Sunday, August 21st.
His students remember him as “someone who made a positive impact in their lives, that was way a head of his time with his teaching methods and that he was born to teach.”
I (Ridgeview Publisher) asked a teaching friend once, “when do children start hating school?” Her response stuck with me and burdened my heart when she said ”After their first bad teacher.” But the flip side of that is ”When do students learn to love school?” It’s when a teacher like Mr. Jarrell earns their respect and makes such an impact that 46 years later students are still talking about them.
Well done Mr. Jarrell. Well done!