Sgt. P.S. Fisher of the Quincy Detachment in Belle, WV filed a complaint in the office of Magistrate Richard G. Postalwait on March 21, 2022 with regards to the Defendant Kim Allen Hudson. Sgt. Fisher met with Kim Hudson in Belle, WV without knowledge of the alleged crimes that the defendant was about to reveal.
During that interview Mr. Hudson revealed that he had sexually abused two of his grand-daughters, a 16 year old, more than 10 times over the last (2) two years; and a 13 year old more than (3) three times over the last year. Sgt. Fisher told Hudson several times that he was free to leave at anytime and was not under arrest, but the conversation continued as he told the officer the details of the abuse, closing with ”I am sorry for what I did to my family and those kids!”
After contacting the wife of the accused and confirming that he had also confessed to her, she informed Sgt. Fisher that one of the girls had already had a CAC interview and had told her what her grandfather had made her do.
Hudson was then placed under arrest and charged with ”Sexual Abuse of (2) minors X 13 counts. He remains in the South Central Regional Jail with a $50,000 bond.