Crimes/Punishment News

Hudson Sentenced on 3 Counts of Sexual Abuse by Parent, Guardian or Custodian

Kim Hudson appeared for sentencing in the Calhoun County Circuit Court before Judge Anita Ashley on Thursday, November 10th, 2023. Attorney Daniel Minardi represented Hudson requesting for consideration of Kim Hudson his life without prior convictions, work ethics and his understanding of the harm he caused as a reason to have his Calhoun charges to run concurrent with Kanawha County Charges. He was recently convicted of Sexual Abuse by parent, Guardian, Custodian, person of trust in Kanawha County where he was sentenced to 5-15 years. Minardi argued that he’ll be 80 years old at the time of his release and under supervised probation and would be little risk.

Prosecuting Attorney Nigel Jeffries, speaking on behalf of the State, said that a 10-20 year sentence would essentially be giving him 5 years and that would be outrageous. He further stated that his confession and own trauma does not justify his violation of 3 victims. We waned anto advise the Calhoun County Community that if this crime is discovered justice will be swift and steep.

Hudson apologized to his family and kids saying that what he did was “terribly, terribly, terribly wrong and what ever you (theJudge) decides to do, I’ll have to deal with.”

Judge Ashley informed Hudson that his crime had horrific consequences with long therm effects. She sentenced him to 10-20 years for each of the 3 charges of Sexual Abuse by a parent, guardian, custodian, person of trust to run consecutive.
