
Instagram Post of Solar Flare Image Shot from Calhoun County Park

Astronomolly is her Instagram name but her name is actually Molly Wakeling. And according to her blog website,, she got into astrophotography in July 2015 after receiving her first telescope as a gift.   Much trial and error later, she now has three astrophotography rigs set up in her backyard just north of Berkeley, CA, in the San Francisco Bay area, including one dedicated to variable star and exoplanet transit observations.  

She has a B.S. in Physics from Washington State University, and is currently pursuing my PhD in Physics at University of California, Berkeley, studying neutrinos with my two cats, Orion and Apollo.

But this weekend she came to the Calhoun County Park, as do many of the stargazers from across the country, where she took this amazing image of the sun.

While I (Ridgeview News Publisher) understand none of it on the scientific level, it doesn’t stop me from appreciating the amazing views these talented people capture from our little part of the world of the Calhoun County Park. All because we are located in the middle of nowhere, which is not a bad thing at all.