Local Businessman Eric Lupardus will be the Lead Moderator for the Republican and Democratic Debate to be held on the 20th of October at the Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department. Eric would like both Committees to know that he is willing to meet with them to discuss his part in the upcoming debate and insure fairness for the event. The Event will be open to the community and provided that cell service and internet is up and running, it will be broadcast live on facebook. But as with any event, it’s always better in person.
Eric Lupardus is the owner of the Outdoor Store in two locations, Arnoldsburg and Big Otter and provides a valuable service to the community. His wife Brandi owns ”Jus Teazin” a hair Salon in Grantsville and together they are active in the business community and understand the importance that government plays in the business industry as well as being a family and wanting the best for their children. This was why Ridgeview chose him as moderator.
Monday will be the deadline for all Committees to submit their questions for the Debate. Those questions will then be distributed to both parties for review before the event.