Rev. Keith Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church & served Holy Communion. It was reported that in Calhoun County there is quite a bit of action over the recent moves by so called “church leaders” who decided that Scripture now has no place in “church doctrine”. Sorta makes the Read More…
West Virginia’s fall hunting season for wild turkey is scheduled to open Oct. 8. Fall turkey season will be open Oct. 8-16 in all 55 counties. The season will be open an additional week in seven counties, from Oct. 24-30, and for three additional weeks in 14 counties, from Oct. 24-Nov. 13. Wildlife biologists analyze harvest data from Read More…
On November 8th, we will be having a Veteran’s Day Assembly here at CMHS at 10:00 am. We are in search of veterans to honor at this event. Veterans can attend or just have their information announced. Attached is the veteran information sheet that will need to be filled out and returned to the school Read More…