Update from wife Betty Jones:
Just want to give a little update on Jerry today seems to be one of the best days that we have had since everything. He does get agitated, but we understand because he is not used to being down; always out doing something. I have told him that he wrecked the lawnmower and got hurt bad and we can’t take him home just, yet he has to heal and get better. We came in for the 2nd visit and his nurse said he was trying to talk. I know that I can make out that he said hey “Betty, what, and snuff.” This is also without his trache being covered. When they cover his trache he tries but coughs I’m sure he will have to get used to that before he will be able to do that. He is also trying to tell us he wants a chew of snuff he does the motions for it but I tell him he can’t have it yet. He don’t like that though. On the last visit he gave the gesture for writing, he wrote my name and drew some circles to point that he went to the bathroom. I want to give praise for these steps but I also know we don’t stop here. We keep praying and seeking and asking for his healing. Please continue praying that we continue to see improvements. God is good and I’m still pressing through this storm with him. Love to all of you and thank you for keeping him in your Prayers ❤️🙏🏻