Judge Anita Harold Ashley had a second busy day in the Circuit Court of Calhoun with the following cases, in addition to the Greathouse sentencing (see separate story).
Co-defendants Dylan and David Paul Little appeared with their attorneys David Richardson and Daniel Minardi with regards to the charge of Transferring Stolen Goods. Their case was rescheduled for March 7, 2023 at 9 a.m. due to Dylan testing positive for Covid.
April Dawn Carpenter, charged with Grand Larceny and Conspiracy to commit a felony has been offered a plea agreement by the State and will enter her plea on February 15th, 2023, at 9 a.m.
Amanda Louise Testerman, facing the charge of Grand Larceny, entered a plea of no contest with her Attorney Daniel Minardi. Minardi asked the judge to consider for sentencing that Testerman had no history of drug violations, no history of previous larceny violations, only a few misdemeanor priors and could afford to pay for home confinement as well as restitution of $1,200.00 Ritchie County had agreed to accept her in their home confinement program and Nigel Jeffries, Prosecuting Attorney, agreed with that recommendation. However, Judge Ashely was not so quick to accept the recommendation.
Judge Ashley informed Testerman that after reading the pre-sentence investigation of Alicia Lawson, Probation Officer, she had some concerns. During the investigation Testerman had made the statement that even though she was pleading to the charge she “thought it was bull—— that she was being charged for something she didn’t do.” The Judge further reminded the defendant that she had not only arrived late for court, when asked to do a drug screen she took 5 hours to produce a few drops of urine, and those few drops had tested positive for methamphetamine, yet she denied ever having done meth. Testerman was remanded into the custody of the Central Regional Jail where she was ordered to go under a 60 day study. At the end of that study she will appear back in court before Judge Ashley to determine her sentence.
Linda Lou Moss appeared before Judge Ashley with her Attorney John Belonovich appearing by phone due to illness. Her case will proceed to trial on April 11, 2023 at 9 a.m. with a hearing on the Defense motion to suppress evidence on April 6th, 2023 at 10:30 a.m.