
Kargol Home Fire on Joker Ridge Road

Homeowner, Cheryl Kargol, of 1611 Joker Ridge Road, was home when smoke began to come out of her furnace vents, but no evidence of fire at that time. After calling 911, both Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department and Minnie Hamilton Health Systems Ambulance service were on scene.

Ms. Kargol told Ridgeview News that Ambulance Staff, Mitchell McKown was the first on scene and used a fire extinguisher to put out the flames that had made their way to the exterior of the house.

Fireman Jon Fleagle, informed Ms. Kargol that the fire apparently had begun beneath her home, (possibly electrical) and he believed that the recently installed weatherization vinyl had melted and suffocated the fire, keeping it from spreading to the remainder of the home.
