Crimes/Punishment News

King Charged with Two Counts of Daytime Burglary

On June 2nd, 2024 at approximately 6:30 p.m., Trooper J.D. Richards of the West Virginia State Police was notified by Calhoun County 911 Dispatch that a burglary had taken place at the address known as 503 Bear Run Rd., Orma, in Calhoun County, WV.

On the same date, Trooper Richards arrived at the address and spoke with the complainant, Mathew Mccumbers, who stated that one of his neighbors had been in his residence after being told on multiple occasions ot stay out of his residence. Mr. McCumbers informed Trooper Richards that many things at his address including a 36 inch TV had went missing over the weekend. He then showed the Trooper a pair of muddy shoes that was left in his kitchen along with a bottle of water and 3 beers that were nearby. Mr. Mccumbers stated that these shoes belonged to a neighbor, Tina Lynn King, that he had told to stay out of his residence multiple times. Mr. Mccumbers also stated that his brother, Michael King had been in the house Friday evening, May 31st 2024 and the shoes were not in the house, and the television was still in the residence.

On the same date, Trooper Richards traveled, with the shoes in hand, to the address of 1138 Bear Run Rd. to speak with Mrs. King. It was there that the he made contact with 44 year old Tina King at the front door of the residence, where he held up the shoes and told Mrs. King that she needed to give whatever, if anything, she had taken from the 503 Bear Run Rd. back to Mr. Mccumbers’.

Mrs. King stated to Trooper Richards that she had, in fact, been in the house and was never given permission to be in the house.

Mrs. King was taken into custody for Burglary. Upon leaving the residence, Mrs. King uttered that the gray shoes that were sitting on her porch were from Lisa and Michael Mccumber’s address from the dweling, above the cellar, on their property at 1047 Bear Run Rd. and she had taken these shoes on June 1, 2024.

Trooper Richards transported Mrs. King to the WVSP Grantsville Detachment where he obtained a mirandized statement from Mrs. King, where she confessed to taking the gray shoes found on her porch from inside the dweling above the cellar at 1047 Bear Run Rd, and confessed to entering the residence at 503 Bear Run Rd. via the back door and grabbing 3 beers and 1 water out of a cooler while at the residence and consuming the water.

Tina King is being held on a $20,000 bond at the WV Central Regional Jail having been charged with two counts of Daytyime burglary. The defendant is considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.


One Reply to “King Charged with Two Counts of Daytime Burglary

  1. SPELL CHECK!! Why is this such an issue?? Every single article I read on here there are numerous errors. In this case “ot” instead of to. Also, I’m pretty sure Michael King is her brother not “his” brother. It may seem petty but if your job is to write about the news please edit before posting. It’s incredibly annoying and doesn’t reflect very well on the writer…..

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