
Lamp Facing Multiple Charges Following a Combative Arrest

In a complaint filed on Monday November 27th, 2022, Trooper J. D. Richards reported that for approximately two hours from the time of 11:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. he observed rooper observed a vehicle parked out of sight – close to the tree line at the old gas station across from the former restaurant known as “The Y” in Arnoldsburg. Trooper Richards stated that “the vehicle was parked unlike any vehicle in the entirety of his time being a law enforcement officer in Calhoun County.” From that, he determined the need to investigate the vehicle further.

Trooper Richards inspected the contents of the vehicle by looking through the windows with a flashlight and observed very clearly a pipe commonly used to smoke Methamphetamine in the center console. While waiting for the individual to approach the vehicle, Richards ran the vehicle through their data base which was a Buick LeSabre, silver in color, belonging to Keith Allen Lamp, age 37, known to have previous dealings with Methamphetamine.

When Trooper Richards seen Keith Lamp and another person approaching the vehicle he yelled Keith’s name and asked if had a meth pipe in his vehicle, to which Lamp responded he did not. In the meantime Lamp had gotten in the vehicle and closed the console. Trooper Richards informed Lamp that he could sit with the vehicle all night, at which point Lamp went back to Deer Run Rentals where he had came from.

A time later Trooper Richards observed the accused still at Deer Run Rentals and approached him to ask again if he had an apparatus for smoking methamphetamine in his vehicle, and again Lamp denied it telling the Trooper that he was wrong. Richards ordered Keith Lamp to turn around with his hands behind his back informing him that the reason for this was because of his lying to a DPS employee about the smoking apparatus. Lamp continued to resist arrest until Trooper Richards deployed his Tazer. Lamp dropped to the ground and Richard once again told him to place his hands behind his back. Instead of complying Lamp tore the Tazer wires from himself and took off on foot to the center of Deer Run Rentals and The Hot Spot parking lot. Lamp tripped and allowed the opportunity for Trooper Richards to attempt to get him in cuffs, but as Lamp continued not to comply the Trooper deployed a second cartridge from his Tazer and with continued struggles he struck Lamp both open and closed hands and administered several does of OC Spray to get him to cooperate.

Lamp was placed into custody and charged for Fleeing, Battery on a police officer, Lying to a DPS Employee, Disorderly Conduct and also Trespassing since the Trooper spoke with the owners of the HOTSPOT who stated that the accused had been a problem for their business and had been told not to come back.

Trooper Richards had Keith Lamp checked out by EMS personnel who flushed his eyes out by and then the Trooper’s. Lamp was transported to Minnie Hamilton Health Systems in Grantsville where he was checked out by a doctor and then transported to the WVSP Grantsville Detachment for processing.

Lamp is now being held in the West Virginia Central Regional Jail on $2,000 bond.
