Community Government News

Lamppost Project Can Finally Move Forward

In a special Grantsville Town Council Meeting the Lamppost dilemma was finally put to rest.

The Town Council met on Tuesday, February 27th to discuss the proposal made by The 1982 Foundation that their organization  would install and cover the maintenance on the solar lamp posts for the next 15 years. 

In the opening of the meeting the council discussed the results of a survey for which they ask town residents their opinion on the installation of the lights. Out of nearly 300 surveys sent, 52 were returned. Of those 52, 26 were returned with a negative response. However, with the financial burden being taken off the Town by the 1982 Foundation, the matter was irrelevant.

The proposal put before the Town Council for vote was:

  1. The 1982 Foundation would assume all costs related to installation of the lampposts 
  2. The 1982 Foundation would cover the costs of maintenance and repairs for first 15 years of use.
  3. The placement of the lamp posts would be determined at the time of installation and open to discussion with Eric Cain being the liaison for the project. 

Alice Holmes questioned if there would be any issues with permits needing to be done to which Mayor Petrovsky there would not. 

Crystal Mersh informed the council that The Foundation wanted to get the issue of the lamp posts  behind them and to work cooperatively as they moved forward. 

A Motion was made by Councilwoman Linda Staton to approve the project with a second by Councilwoman Emilee Morgan and all council was in favor.   
