Letters News Schools

Letter from Trinity Christian Brags up Calhoun’s Coaching Staff, Team and Community

Mrs. Whytsell,

This is Trinity Christian Head Football Coach – Mike McKenzie. 

I would like to recognize Coach Stump, the entire Calhoun County HS football operations staff, Calhoun County community, and the entire football team for their display of sportsmanship, hospitality, and friendliness during our football trip there last Tuesday.

From the moment we arrived, the people of Calhoun County made us feel welcomed and went out of their way, making sure we had everything needed. They helped transport our equipment and gear to and from the field. The people of Calhoun County were nothing but friendly and welcoming during our time there. 

Coach Stump called me personally on Wednesday after the game to check in one of our players health status from the game – he was injured during game-play and did not return. This display of hospitality is rare. I extended my sincere thanks to Coach Stump for all the hospitality. We both agreed that both teams displayed outstanding sportsmanship on and off the field – I never once saw a Calhoun County Football player display poor behavior. This is the kind of football that should be showcased to our communities during Friday Night Lights every week – I’m glad Trinity Christian and Calhoun County could set the example in front of fans and the younger generation.

Please share with your community, football staff, and school staff. 

God bless and prayers for a healthy and successful season the rest of the way.

Coach McKenzie