
Dear Publisher

I just love the little joys in life. And what joys we have in our fine, little county!

One of my favorite little joys is finding something lost. Whether it’s pens between the sofa cushions or the missing matching sock in your crisper drawer, the joy of finding that missing item more than makes up for the misery of its absence.

Imagine the joy of Mount Zion PSD customers, after almost two days without water, at discovering that the missing backup generator has been sitting on the West Fork for the last decade! Finding out that the $50,000 machine had been brought home for repairs ten years ago certainly makes up for the misery of the last few days.

No less joy abounds in Grantsville, where the intrepid Mayor has found, between some sofa cushions, no doubt, a generator misplaced by the forward-thinking prior administration.

We have so much more to look forward to! The joy of finding the missing EMS run sheets, no doubt lurking in the back of some linen closet, will certainly make up for the misery of the EMS portion of the Emergency Levy. Finding Julie Siers’s missing resumé propping up the short leg of a table will surely make up for the EMS suspension and other troubles that characterized her tenure.

One can hardly fathom the joy that will come should Commissioner Helmick find it in his heart to apologize to the Volunteer Firefighters.

Momus is the Greek god of mockery, sarcasm, satire, and harsh criticism. The son of Night and twin of Misery, he has resided on Earth since his exile from Olympus on charges of destabilizing Zeus’s regime. The letter was provided by a community member of wit for our entertainment and satirical truth.
