Creston has been having “winter” weather with some snow, though not much, cold & then warming all of which leads to sick residents. Also Bambi & her friends decided that the stupid tulips that were up were indeed tasty.
Barbara Wright was finally diagnosed with double pneumonia and got to “vacation where they serve breakfast in bed”. She has been sick for a month. Debbie Griffin started having pains while at a family birthday party at Millstone and she is likewise vacationing in Roane General Hospital where she is to undergo tests.
Some local folks motored to Elizabeth to get the baked steak meal from the Wirt County Volunteer Fire Department.
Local folks, like people all over the nation, were upset that Hunter’s buddy Chairman Xi sent a spy balloon to inspect military bases & infrastructure starting in Alaska and then all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. the ruling junta was upset that folks in Montana reported the invasion for it was obvious that the peasants were not supposed to know. Anna Yates, who now lives in North Carolina, said the balloon and the accompanying US war planes went over where she lives. Instead of capturing the craft & studying it someone had it destroyed and now we are told the communist Chinese will be the first to pick up the debris. Obviously owning the “Big Guy” with the 10% is for real.
It would seem that some down in the legislature at the Mouth of the Elk are again trying to make their out of state buddies’ $multi billion state assets tax free. One new try is HB 2616, it would seem. All the compressors, pipelines & fractionation plants that take our resources to other states & nations should be assessed at full value but Baldy & his friends want them to be tax free. Obviously they are still upset that the W. Va. voters said no to the amendment back in November. Our leaders are also talking about leasing pore space in the rock to store CO2. If some con artist comes around talking about such — “oh, just sign here” — one needs to ask Rover to escort the slicksters off the premises. Others have “great deals” about never, ever cutting your timber to “save the planet”. If one signs one of those contracts and then a windstorm blows down all or most of the trees what does one do then? Let the logs all rot?
NOAA [National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration] came out with a new report that for the last 8 years & 5 months there has been NO global warming. We are also told that during the same time frame 475 billion tons of CO2 [carbon dioxide] was released into the atmosphere and that there was almost a record low number of hurricanes. One might conclude that the global warming fraudsters are being exposed for what they are. In Creston on Ground Hog Day in 1950 the plum trees were in bloom. Such was not the case this year.
More bad reports continue to come out about the vaccines that were forced on many citizens. The experts have now admitted that women of child bearing age have been impacted in a not good way. Earlier on it was “No, no, no shut up we don’t allow ‘disinformation’.”
A number of Calhoun & Wirt residents went to the Mouth of the Elk for Ag Day in the legislature. Some met with Speaker Hanshaw & others talked with various members of the Board of Public Works, some of whom are likely running for governor. Others had a good discussion with former US Attorney Mike Stuart & almost all feasted at the “Taste of West Virginia” reception put on by the W. Va. Forestry Association and the W. Va. Farm Bureau for the legislators. After the belly buster several excellent visits were had with the legislators who chose to attend the event.
While down there a local fellow met up with Perfesser Gee Haw who runs the little university up at Morgantown. He said Wirt County was “one of his favorite counties”. He was asked about his statement that citizens in West Virginia should be relocated by force so that “services” could be provided much easier. He finally said, “OH that was a long time ago.”
Local residents can no longer watch Newsmax TV. Apparently it was one of those “problematic” news sources that Broadway Joe/Maserati Joe did not approve of. One might want to go back & read George Orwell’s books.
Rusty Hutson Jr.’s new big venture had a grand opening in Bridgeport with lots of dignitaries on hand. It is called NEXT LVL Energy and the firm is to be involved in plugging abandoned oil & gas wells. It seems that a big chunk of taxpayer funds became available. Rusty operates Diversified Gas & Oil with over 70,000 wells and the checks were pretty much on time this month.
Freddie Bush & associates were hauling hay on the Richardsonville Road Saturday, mostly from the Duskey property.
Hope Gas Company, part of the Rockefeller Standard Oil family of companies, advised that they would be out inspecting their gas lines. The TransCanada folks were out inspecting the ground where their big line goes under W. Va. 5 at the old Jess Ashley place.
A local resident received a letter from an outfit in Irving Texas saying that we must tell them about “an accident”. it seems that Gainwell Technologies Company has a contact in the W. Va. DHHR that is, so it would seem, working to set up lawsuits against local medical facilities. It was understood that the legislature was looking into problems with DHHR [W. Va. Department of Welfare] formerly called DPA. There should be plenty to find if there is a serious search.
The ruling class down in the lower Potomac swamps have now come up with new rules to ban gas heating & cooking stoves after their initial claims of asthma in children was shown to be a fraud & sham put out by a group that is pushing everything electric & then the electric comes from pixie dust. Contrast all that with India where it was announced that coal powered electricity would be 8% more this year & coal would be imported to add to domestic coal production. Over in England now if one is caught trying to keep warm with a wood stove there are big fines. The peasants must get used to freezing in the dark like in days of old. Dickens used to write about such during what is now called the Little Ice Age.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude dropped to $72.39/bbl. with condensate fetching just $56.39/bbl. & Marcellus & Utica light bringing $63.39 & medium $72.39/bbl. Y grade condensate [from the fractionation plants] is $30.883.bbl and Henry Hub natural gas dropped to $2.41/MMBTU [dekatherm].