Mayor Robert Petrovsky has scheduled a meeting with WV American Water on Monday, April 29th, 2024 to discuss the possible acquisition of the Grantsville Municipal Water and Sewer System.
Within the contentious debate of what should be done with the Grantsville Municipal Water system, the Mt. Zion PSD and the Pleasant Hill PSD, is the fact that approximately 2,000 homes depend upon the safety and reliability of the water that is sourced from the Little Kanawha River by the Grantsville Municipal Water Plant.
It is within the community and the governing bodies that the people have the power of election and voice. That could drastically change if the Mayor’s Monday meeting goes in the direction of allowing WV American Water to purchase the town water system.
West Virginia American Water Company (WVAWC) is the largest water utility company in the state. Privatizing our local water and sewer system is said to do far more harm than good for our communities. It’s not only the privatizing of the business but the fact that WVAWC was founded in 1886 as the American Water Works & Guarantee Company, and in 1947 was reorganized and renamed the American Water Works Company. In January 2003, the German utility company RWE acquired the company for $8.6 billion and renamed it American Water.
Talk about not having a voice. Do you have Germany minutes on your cell phone plan? Yes, I realize they have local offices, but they have foreign decision makers.
In a very worthy read and interesting article on the website “”, the said “When private corporations buy or operate public water or wastewater utilities, it is sometimes suggested as a solution to municipal budget problems and aging systems.” (Sound familiar?) It goes on to say that “Unfortunately, it often backfires, leaving communities with higher water bills, worse service, job losses, and little control to fix these problems.”
By relinquishing control of our only water system to a private company we’ll lose our local decision making, public input and any hope of transparency.
I’m not without a moderate amount of sympathy for the Town. I feel the need to keep reminding people that I’ve been in the backseat, watching the Grantsville Municipal Water system for 30 years as the wife of their recently retired Chief operator. I’ve overheard conversations, I watched a young man become an old man in one year when Charles Stevens died and David was left to run the plant alone, again when operator Charles McCroskey left as operator, and yet again when Alan Bell retired, David operated for two years, 7 days a week, and literally aged a decade in two years. The general public and the governing body has no concept of the pressure on a water plant operator. It is not only the local operation but the State requirements and lack of assistance that makes the job almost impossible to do in keeping with state regulations. And “if” it is done to State regulations (which David did) it is frustrating to the point that it has caused operators to resign or retire. Reason being, the West Virginia Department of Health staff refuses to answer the phone, return calls or assist operators in meeting their requirements and the State must give this greater attention if this is going to be overcome instead of being overtaken by a German owned water system.
Local businessman Eric Lupardus and Commissioners Craig Arthur and Roger Propst have been working with Delegate Roger Hanshaw on solutions to the matter, but they too have yet to come up with answers to where the funding assists will come from if the consolidation of the three Calhoun entities is able to occur.
Even with the financial help, if the State doesn’t get control of the WV State Health Department, the citizens of West Virginia will continue to pay a high price for their dereliction of duty.
Local citizens: Now is your time to speak up. Don’t assume someone is going to do it for you, or share your opinion. The next Town Council meeting will be May 6th, 2024 at 6 p.m.

The commissioners know exactly where the funding will come from…..the WVWDA, ARC and CDS. The refusal of the town to consolidate or come to the table to discuss consolidation was the road block as all involved were clearly told “no more funding until u consolidate” These are the three main sources but since the mayor stopped the consolidation talks this has gone stale. During the previous consolidation talks they were already working with WVWDA on funding according to a memo from their Director.
I have been trying to bring this to light for several years to readers, but it seems like no one wants to use their voice. Question everything folks.