The West Virginia Library Commission and State of West Virginia recently named Gilmer Public Library Director, Lisa Minney, as the 2022 West Virginia Librarian of the Year. She received this recognition for her efforts and dedication to the local public library during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
“The pandemic was challenging for all the libraries and librarians in the state,” said Minney. “Directors statewide worked together, meeting remotely each week to help each other manage pandemic response. Knowing what libraries across the state accomplished during the pandemic, I feel especially honored to have our small library’s work recognized at the state level.”
Gilmer Public Library was the first public library in West Virginia to approve a pandemic policy and the first to offer 24-hour, open-access Wi-Fi during quarantine. Gilmer was also the first public library in the state to re-open after quarantine. During the 2020 spring and summer, Minney designed, received grant approval for, and helped install the Tammi S. Hardman Memorial Shade Patio. She recruited volunteers to build outdoor seating and wrote an additional grant to install solar charging stations on the library grounds.
Minney also converted the library’s boardroom into a private video room to meet rising media needs for homeschooling, education, telehealth, and video communication. During her 2020 Christmas vacation, Minney redesigned the library’s website (gilmerpublib.org), adding over 500 reliable news, career, and educational resources. She also manages the library’s Dial-A-Story phone line (304-873-5400), launched during the pandemic.
As the library works this spring to return to in-person summer and year-round programming for children and adults, the staff and board face another challenge. The upcoming Vital Services Levy on the May 10 ballot supplies more than 80% of the local annual funding required to maintain the library’s state funding at the current level.
“The Vital Services Levy is vital to our library,” notes Minney. “Although levy funds do not provide the entire local match requirement, they are a significant portion of the reliable local funding we receive in Gilmer County.”
GPL is budgeted $1,000 each year from the City of Glenville, the sponsoring entity for the public library in Gilmer County. In addition, the library receives more than $6,000 annually from committed, local, private donors. The library board, staff, and Friends of Gilmer Public Library Inc. rely on fundraisers, donations, and grants to complete the required match every year.
“Obviously, we need a sustainable increase in local funding for the library,” said Minney, “but this election, we chose not to seek that increase from Gilmer County taxpayers. We are simply asking for the voters’ continued support at the same rate. We rely on their votes just as much as we rely on the levy.”
Friends of Gilmer Public Library Inc. is currently selling candy bars to raise funds for the library and is also selling raffle tickets for a handmade heritage quilt. Tickets and candy bars are available at the library and from any member of the Friends organization. The quilt is currently on display at the library, 214 Walnut Street.
Gilmer Public Library is open Monday through Friday 11 am – 6 pm, and Saturdays 11 am – 4 pm. Open access Wi-Fi is available around the facility 24 hours a day.