Gov. Jim Justice announced the distribution of $40 million in Rural Hospital Grant funding today during a ceremony held at Boone Memorial Hospital. The program, which launched in October following the appropriation of funds by the West Virginia Legislature during the most recent special session, will improve healthcare infrastructure and services at rural hospitals across West Virginia. “Our rural hospitals are truly the lifeblood of our state,” Gov. Justice said. “So many of us depend on the care, compassion, and love you all provide to our neighbors, friends, and families. You don’t just show up for work—you answer the call daily. With these funds, we’re putting a stake in the ground and saying we stand with our rural hospitals. While we’re at Boone Memorial for this ceremony, today we celebrate every rural hospital across West Virginia. We’re so thankful for the doctors, nurses, and staff who show up and care for us every day. You all are the center of everything we do. Congratulations to all of our recipients—you’ve earned every bit of it.” Grant funding was awarded to the following: Minnie Hamilton Health Systems – $11,132,458.00 Funding will be utilized for significant renovations, upgrades, and expansion of the facility. Greenbrier Valley Medical Center – $7,500,000.00 Funding will be utilized for the construction of a new medical building to provide new and expanded services. Rivers Health – $7,000,000.00 Funding will be utilized to relocate and expand the Emergency Department. Boone Memorial Hospital – $5,894,527.00 Funding will be utilized to establish a dedicated patient observation unit, renovate the cardiac unit to create a cancer center, construct a new behavioral health clinic, and invest in advanced robotic surgery equipment. Roane General Hospital – $3,700,000.00 Funding will be utilized to establish a conference and education center, purchase state-of-the-art diagnostic radiological technology, and infrastructure upgrades. Pocahontas Memorial Hospital – $1,978,000.00 Funding will be utilized to modernize communications systems and infrastructure upgrades including a new roof and HVAC system. Preston Memorial Hospital – $1,500,000.00 Funding will be utilized to expand existing facilities to provide additional patient care areas and a dedicated patient observation unit. Summers County ARH Hospital – $725,000.00 Funding will be utilized to renovate and upgrade the radiology room. The cumulative cost of these projects totals $39,429,985.00. The remaining balance of the funds will be distributed in the near future. |