Community Events News

Mr. Jarrell Comes to Town and Other Stories

According to Crystal Mersh, a student of Mr. Bruce Jarrell in the Arnoldsburg Elementary School year of 1976/ 77, he must have drawn the short straw to have received her class as an appointment to teach. But according to Crystal, he prepared them well for the next year of attending Calhoun High School, a ”much” larger facility, and created fond memories for his students.

On August 21st from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. the students of Mr. Jarrell will be hosting a reception for him at the Arnoldsburg Community Building. Students and teaching colleagues are encouraged to attend for a time of sharing and recognition for a person who positively impacted the youth of Calhoun County. Cake will be served and perhaps with a side of stories a taste of days gone by.

Please let Crystal Mersh know if you plan to attend.