News Politics


Submitted by Deirdre Purdy


In February 2022, Russia, unprovoked, invaded its neighbor Ukraine.  Putin thought Ukraine would roll over.  It hasn’t.  Instead, the world now suffers the largest conflict since WWII.

American support for Ukraine is critical to Ukraine’s fight against Russia, but 41 other countries have also joined the defense, supplying money, arms, security, and humanitarian help.  President Biden leads these efforts, strengthening America’s leadership in the world.

Now, Republican chaos in Congress threatens the war effort and American military strength.

Last week, the US House of Representatives threw out Speaker McCarthy after he worked with Democrats to fund our country for the next 45 days.  McCarthy’s 45-day deal gave only one sop to right-wing Republicans:  no funding for Ukraine to fight the Russian invasion.

Far right Republicans punished McCarthy for working with Democrats.  McCarthy blamed Democrats for the deal he brokered, so they offered him no support.  Down he went.

Now our government is only funded until mid-November.  There is no Ukraine funding.  Eleven funding bills need to be passed.  The House is leaderless.  It can do no other work until a speaker is elected.

MAGA Republicans, egged on by Trump, propose speaker candidates who promise to stop all Ukraine funding, like Jim Jordan (R-OH ).  (If elected, Trump promises to end the war on the first day by giving Ukraine to Putin.)  WV Representative Alex Mooney immediately announced he supports Jordan for Speaker.

Up until now, US support for Ukraine has been strong and bipartisan.  Russian imperialism is being stopped with money, not lives.  No American soldiers are dying.

Our Ukraine aid shows China and other global competitors that the United States has the will and the ability to protect our interests, our allies, and ourselves. By supporting Ukraine’s fight, we deter further Russian aggression, we invest in global security and democracy, we strengthen US credibility with our allies, and we warn our competitors not to act against US interests.  If we don’t support Ukraine, we practically invite China to take Taiwan.

A defeat in Ukraine would be a massive setback for democracy and usher in a more dangerous and unstable world

The American people understand this.  Once again, MAGA Republicans are out of step with public opinion:  64% of all Americans view NATO and Ukraine positively, 91% of Americans view Russia negatively, and 64% of all Americans see Russia as our enemy.

MAGA Republicans run in gerrymandered districts that are packed so full of right wing Republicans that their only fear is to be primaried by someone even more outrageous, someone even more willing to throw sand in the gears of our government to serve their own narrow MAGA interests instead of America’s.

The Republican party has been taken over by a dangerous faction of anti-American bullies, ready to save money by selling out democracy.  If America walks away in Ukraine, Putin will win a big victory for the rule of force rather than the rule of law.

Tell Alex Mooney he’s on the wrong side on Ukraine.  Then vote like you mean it.

Deirdre Purdy, Chairperson, Calhoun County Democratic Executive Committee



  1. Ukraine! The 51st State!
    To think Russia’s plan is to take over the entirety of Ukraine and then to expand into other countries is wild. Remember what happened when Russia invaded Afghanistan? Or when the US invaded Afghanistan and Iraq? When Israel invaded Southern Lebanon?
    It’s quite obvious from these invasions that you should stay out of these places. If you truly want to wreck Russia, you encourage them to attempt to take over Ukraine and these countries. Putin is too smart for that, what he’s currently doing in Ukraine is wrecking it and telling the US you either back off and go back to the status quo of before 2014 in Ukraine (the US has been meddling with Ukraine since ~2014) and make Ukraine a buffer state or continue to try and make Ukraine a United States bastion on Russia’s doorstep and in that case Russia will wreck the country.

    The US and NATO have been expanding NATO closer and closer to Russia’s “doorstep” since 2004. Biden can be quoted in 1997 saying “the only thing that would provoke a vigorous and hostile response from Russia would be the Baltic states joining NATO” in 2004 that exactly happened.

    To think this should be acceptable for Russia as an American is hypocritical when The US has the Monroe doctrine that basically says the Western hemisphere is our backyard and nobody from a distant region is allowed to move military forces into the western hemisphere. Anyone remember when The US went absolute berserko crazy when the USSR put military forces in Cuba?
    Can you imagine China or Russia putting military bases in Canada or Mexico? What would be the US response???
    It’s unacceptable when any country does it but it’s totally fine when the US does it to others.

    Laughable that this is what the Democratic Party has become. Promote peace not war.

    1. As long as one country feels free to invade its neighbor, there will not be peace. If you condone, or stand by watching, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, you cannot tell me you are promoting peace. No matter how many excuses you make.

  2. Obviously Mykl I’m not supporting “standing by” or “watching”. The US needs leave Ukraine to as it was in the early 2000s without any US influence. The country of Ukraine has no benefit to the US other than to provoke/upset Russia and or to use Ukraine as a bastion on the doorstep of Russia. Again, if Russia was doing or even thought about doing what the US and NATO is currently doing to them we would’ve been in WW3 in the 2000s.

    You can chop it up as “excuses” but that would be simply making a multi dimensional situation into a singular dimensional situation. And you’re especially doing this if you consider Russia invading Ukraine for no reason.

    Let’s just ignore any context or pretext of when US invading foreign countries like you’re doing of Russia. Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Vietnam, Korea. And that’s not even mentioning countries the US have done coups in or simply bombed. “The US invaded all these countries for no reason!! The most evil empire!!”

    The US needs to begin with promoting peace amongst the two countries, quit sending billions of US taxpayer money to a country that we benefit nothing from, just to get their men slaughtered and country destroyed. And they need to Quit doing things that they know and said almost 30 years ago that would upset Russia.

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