The following Property Transfers were recorded in the office of Calhoun County Clerk Jean Simers:
Book 310 @ page 287
Ricky Sampson and Arlene Sampson, Grantors
Byron K. Richards and Stephanie R. Richards, Grantees
Description: Pt Lot 20 Main 49x115
District: Grantsville Corp
Consideration: $24,000.00
Map: 3
Parcel: 61
Book 310 @ page 289
Hazeline Anderson and Wilma M. Monroe, Grantors
Roger M. Starcher and Brenda L. Starcher, Grantees
Description: 96 ac Laurel Shoal
Distric: Lee
Concideration: $176,000.00
Map: 22
Parcel: 26
Book 310 @ Page 292
Calhoun County Commission, Grantor
Timothy and Deborah Sampson, Grantees
Description: Two Parcels
District: Lee
Concideration: $75,000.00
Map: 16
Parcel: 20
Parcel Suffix: 2
Parcel Suffix: 4
Book 310 @ page 309
Brandon Stalnaker, Andrew Stalnaker and Matthew Stalnaker, Grantors
Carol Wine, Grantee
Description: Pt. Mill and Main
District: Grantsville Corp
Map: 2
Parcel: 76
Consideration: $3,000.00
Book 310 @ page 318
Gary Cooper, Grantor
Andrew Persinger and Mikayla Hanshaw, Grantees
Description: Henrys Fork .83 ac. Sur
Consideration: $75,000.00
Map: 13
Parcel: 6
Book 310 @ Page 320
James L. Shields, Tacy Jarvis, Patricia Deweese, Tina Jones, Sharon Postalwait, Jeffrey Jarvis, Vonda Laughlin, Grantors
Baily Everton and Calista Allen, Grantees
Description: .90 ac sur wf
Concideration: $125,000.00
Map: 7
Parcel: 46
District: Washington
Book 310 @ page 333
Bradley Wiant, Grantor
Kenneth and Anna McCumbers, Grantees
Description: Two Tracts
Consideration: $50,000.00
District: Washington
Map: 9
Parcel: 12
Parcel 11
Parcel suiffix: 1
Parcel suiffix: 1
Book 310 @ Page 374
Michael S. And Kimberly K. Batten, Grantors
Stephanie Soto Trustee of the James and Crue Elena Soto Trust
Description: 2 acres
District: Sherman
Consideration: $215,000.00
Map: 2
Parcel 1.5
Book 310 @ page 469
Robert and April Petrovsky, Grantors
Courtney D. Lewis, Grantee
Description: 6321 Sq Ft. Mill #2
District: Grantsville Corp
Map: 3
Parcel: 20
Consideration: $125,000.00
Book 310 @ Page 472
David C. McClain, Grantor
Brian M. And Wanda M. Jarvis, Grantees
Description: 88 Acres and 136 poles
District: Washington
Map: 21
Parcel: 9
Consideration: $250,000.00
Book 310 @ Page 477
Stephen C. McKannan, Grantor
David E. Hardbarger and Lisa R. Starcher, Grantees
Description: 11.20 ac
Consideration: $10,000.00
District: Lee
Map: 11
Parcel 43
Book 310 @ Page 485
Richard M. Nicholas and Vicki Siegrist, Grantors
Anita Alt and Rachel M. Stopzfus, Grantees
Description: 150 X150X22500 sq. Ft. W/S Rt. 7
Consideration: $120,000.00
Map: 12
Parcel: 1.2
Book 310 @ page 488
Garland and Martha Leigh, Grantors
Jerry Glen McKown, Jr. and Jessica Nicole McKown, Grantees
Description: 19.7 ac. Sur Crummie 30ac sur
District: Lee
Consideration: $60,000
Map: 29
Parcel: 35
Parcel: 44
Book 310 @ Page 491
Thomas Cain by State Auditor, Grantor
Charles W. Haverty, Grantee
Description: Pt wf 266x112x2765x55
Consideration $1,400.00
Map: 18
Parcel: 14
District: Washington
Book 310 @ Page 660
Joseph M. Metz and Janet L. Greathouse naked Janet L. Metz, Grantors
Teresa C. Howdyshell, Grantee
Description: 3 tracts
District: Washington
Consideration: $89,000.00
Map: 2
Map: 3
Parcel: 19
Parcel: 20
Parcel: 1
Book 310 @ Page 663
Carolyn Shaffer, Grantor
Christopher Butt and Richard A. Butt, Grantees
Description: 2 tracts
District: Lee
Consideration: $135,000.00
Map: 12
Parcel: 11
Parcel: 17
Book 310 @ page 668
Paul Messersmith, Grantor
Clyde S. And Christian K. Farmer, Grantees
Description: 14.37 acres
Consideration $261,000.00
District: Sherman
Map: 12
Parcel: 68
Parcel Suiffix: 1
Book 310 @ Page 674
Raymond Edgar Martin, Jr. by AIF and Barbara Ann Martin by AIF, Grantors
Baywood Nurseries Company, Inc. Grantee
Description: 29.54 Acres
District: $179,900.00
Map: 10
Parcel: 23.14
Book 310 @ page 681
Charles E. Price, Grantor
Jennifer J. Price, Grantee
Description: OGM
Consideration: 2000.00
Map:: 9999
Parcel: 00023420
Parcel: 00019830
Parcel: 00043110
Book 310 @ page 686
Greg Dawson and Timothy Holbert, Grantors
Calhoun County Library Board, Grantee
Description: 1 Lot Mill St
Map: 2
Parcel: 48
Consideration: $7,000.00