Opinion Politics

Of Course They’ll Say Biden Won

Shari Johnson, Publisher ~ Opinion

The liberals are consistent if nothing else. That was my thought as I watched a very old and tired, President Biden answer the questions, attempt to blame everything on Trump previous administration and trail off the conversation as if he ran out of breath. And he possibly did.

I was impressed that Trump maintained his cool after Biden called him a liar again and again. Biden focused on abortion rights and the economy, neither of which do I see doing him any favors for voter support. Trump focused on crime, inflation and the economy, all of which will ring a bell inside the minds of Americans, especially the middle class.

One of the most telling parts of the debate was watching Jill Biden lead her feeble husband down the three or four small steps off the stage to get to the CNN reporters. His physical and mental decline can only be denied by the seeing eye dog of a blind supporter. Even the blind person can hear the feebleness in his voice.

Vice President Kamala Harris’ comment post debate didn’t show too much confidence in how Biden did when she said that “it wasn’t about these 90 minutes, it was about the last 3 1/2 years and what their administration had done.” They do have the bragging rights to literally setting the nation on fire in “mostly peaceful protests”, for encouraging the demonic side of medicine to alter the bodies of children, to putting a perverted male on the Whitehouse staff to represent our Nation and make us the laughing stock of the world, to making it impossible for a middle class family to afford food, and take the worlds best military down to the point that few are considering it as a career because they don’t trust the administration to have their backs when it matters. But those are minor issues right?

As for the Republicans. Let’s face reality, they have backbone issues as well or much of this nonsense would have been stopped. As for who won the debate? For me, there is no question. But winning the debate does not guarantee a win in November.

That’s my two cents worth of wisdom. I encourage you to share yours in the comments. Conversation is good… so long as it’s respectful.


6 Replies to “Of Course They’ll Say Biden Won

  1. I did not get to watch the debate because I gave up cable/dish for financial reasons but, I did listen, carefully (twice) and, while Biden gave a, sometimes, cringeworthy performance that I recognized as over-prepping (a couple of his answers sounded like he was trying to make every point all at once), Trump was incapable, as usual, of uttering one, true, thing.
    You’ll be surprised to know that the liberals are having a collective panic attack — if you watched anything other than right wing media, you’d know that.
    On the other hand, the MAGAts are crowing at over more than thirty, provable lies that Trump spewed. Including, taking credit for Obama’s medical choice for the military and Biden’s $35 insulin for seniors. In addition, Trump insisted that “everyone” wanted to return abortion to the states, when, in fact, over 60% of the American population wants Roe restored.
    And, seriously, you’re celebrating “I did not have sex with a porn star”? That one’s up there with comparing “hand” size with Little Marco.
    All I know is that Biden didn’t sound as bad as he must have looked, however, he missed opportunity after opportunity to fact-check Trump’s lies — and, there were some whoppers.
    Biden, also, missed the opportunity to follow up on Trump’s claim to have spoken to Putin, since the Ukrainian invasion about the Ukrainian invasion, and his claim that he would have American prisoners in Russia freed before he took office — if Trump can get innocent Americans freed from a Russian gulag, why would he wait to do it?
    Biden rightfully called Trump a liar because he is one and was, apparently, in rare form last night, even taking credit for policies from the George W. Bush administration.
    While Biden got better (yes, I know, a low bar), Trump got more petulant as the night wore on with his usual “I know you are but what am I” routine reminiscent of the fourth grade.
    While I learned that Biden wants to codify Roe, I still don’t know what Trump’s planning to do if/when Congress passes a nationwide ban — or on any other policy other than tax cuts for the rich and multinational corporations.
    Then, there’s Trump’s disgusting claim that “blue” states are executing babies (I heard the president of the Heritage Foundation make the same, categorically, untrue claim): what Trump described is called infanticide and is against the law in every state, territory and possession of the United States.
    Of course, Trump is still insisting he had nothing to do with the events of January 6, 2021 when he had EVERYTHING to do with it and WHY would he need “absolute immunity” when no other president in the history of this union has required it?
    But, at least we weren’t treated to that intellectual quandry, death by shark vs. electrocution.

      1. It’s Democrats turn to learn a new feeling called tolerance during the second Trump presidency. We’ve been practicing it all along the Biden presidency. Now it’s Democrats turn. You actually think they gonna play nice and be tolerant? They disrupted and nullified our first term with our populist choice. I don’t believe our liberal neighbors can or will be tolerant of our choices.

  2. Everything is fine. Our country doesn’t have a leadership problem. We’re the greatest nation on Earth. We aren’t about to have a currency and sovereign debt crisis. I wish I still believed any of those things.

  3. Now that the corporate news media and the Democrat Party have decided to admit openly that Joe is suffering from the progression of dementia, it is obvious that, finally, we have to recognize that the American people have been lied to all along. MSNBC, CNN, the networks, etc., have bludgeoned our ears with the constant and tiresome mantra of how “fit,” “sharp,” “on point,” and “at the top of his game,” Biden is. However, it can now clearly be seen that the only “cheap fakes” we have been seeing have come from Biden’s own administration and the press propagandists: Karine Jean-Pierre, Joe Scarborough, Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, and all of the other fake news media sources that have cut and covered for Joe Biden since 2019.

    What will be interesting to watch is how the Democrats who are really in power will attempt to dispose of Joe. Surely it would be unthinkable that these self-appointed bastions of democracy would ignore the will of thousands upon thousands of American citizens who have already cast their votes for Joe Biden in primaries held across the nation. These sanctimonious guardians of democratic principles would certainly never bend the rules of the DNC and ignore the will of the people and all of the votes that simply will NOT count when they take him out. If Joe is sent back to Delaware, they should hope he goes quietly and willingly so they can install some dynamic duo of their own choosing (not elected by the people–you know, that good old Soviet democracy again). My, what a situation dripping with irony and oozing hypocrisy!

    Kandi Davis Pingley

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