For nearly three decades I’ve been apart of the ministry of Marietta Bible College in Marietta, Ohio to varying degrees. For many years I’ve assisted with the paperwork required to bring in foreign students to be trained for their mission field in the their home countries. I’ve sang at revivals and spoke at women’s meetings. I have never failed to be blessed beyond measure by the students, staff and President/Pastor/Preacher Myron Guiler.
He is hands down the wisest man of God I know. He and his wife Linda, who have no children of their own, have taken the children of God under their wings and trained them in the ways of Jesus Christ on how to minister in these times. I have seen them struggle against the federal government, against the powers that be and I’ve seen them glorify God in victory. I’ve watched them through multiple trials, including the flooding of the Marietta Bible College and church on more than one occasion by the backwaters of the Muskingum River.
And again they face the flood.
Of all weeks for the flooding to happen, this time it was the week of their annual Prayer Conference, which has been held for the past 26 years. I’ve attended many of those too and experienced the deepest level of desire to see God move from an altar lined with row upon row of prayer warriors. Most churches don’t even know what the altar is for except to step up on it to get to the platform. Yes, that was a facetious statement with the intent of hopeful conviction. There are two types of people who need to be at the altar every Sunday… those who think they need it, and those who think they don’t. But, I digress.
The picture above is the state of Marietta Bible College and Church as of yesterday afternoon. Needless to say, the conference is not happening in this location, but it is happening in the Marietta area.
From a social media post the college announced “While the morning session of the annual prayer conference on Wednesday was ongoing, water levels started rising rapidly. By late afternoon, the whole parking lot was completely submerged and water entered the youth building, campus kitchen, bus barn, and the first floor of both the men and ladies dormitories. All college students have evacuated the campus and the prayer conference is being held at a different location.
Thursday, the floodwaters of the college was estimated to be around 2 and a half feet. The area where the church building stands remains above water as of now. We continue to monitor the rising levels and praying that the water will not enter the church.
Please help us pray for the college and for the other areas affected by this devastating flood.”
“The Lord’s our Rock, in Him we hide,
A Shelter in the time of storm;
Secure whatever ill betide,
A Shelter in the time of storm.” 🎶
The reason that Marietta Bible College has weathered every storm cast against it for the many decades of service is because they train their students and teach the followers of Christ who love and serve there to be committed to the cause not the crisis. The crisis will pass, but the cause will continue until Christ’s return.
Marietta Bible College is of course not the only ones affected by this flooding. Cities along Ohio River on both the West Virginia and Ohio sides are suffering.
High waters are no respecter of persons, places or things. While dams and locks can partially control the levels, it ultimately is in the control of the Creator as to where it stops but I believe He hears our prayers.
If you’d like to help Marietta Bible College monetarily you can send donations to 4070 State Route 60 Marietta, Ohio 45750.