Crimes/Punishment News

Parsons Arrested after Throwing Object at Vehicles

Sr. Trooper J.D. Richards of the WV State Police filed a complaint in the Magistrate Court of Calhoun on September 12th, 2024 stating that on that date at approximately 4:50 p.m., Calhoun County Dispatch received a call from Andrea Bailey. She stated that that she was traveling on Route 5 West near the address of 3839 W Little Kanawha Highway, Big Bend, West Virginia when she seen a sandy brown haired female, wearing a brown, red lettered shirt with blue shorts, walking in the middle of the road. The female then threw something at her vehicle.

When Trooper Richards spoke with Ms. Bailey, she showed him where on the vehicle the object had landed. She advised the officer that Joshua Moss was driving behind her and also witnessed the entire incident.

Trooper Richards observed a smear of what appeared to be mud near the Driver’s side side-view mirror. He stated in the complaint that as an officer he was familiar with the subject and had told her to stay out of the road prior to the incident at 3440 W. Little Kanawha Hwy. Bigbend. It was there that he made contact with Felicia Marie Parsons after having received complaints about her being in the roadway.

On September 11, 2024, Calhoun County Dispatch had received a very similar call in nature regarding a female throwing objects at vehicles passing by.

On the same date Trooper Richards stopped by 3440 W. Little Kanawha Highway and spoke to Ms. Parsons once more. She was wearing the brown/partially red shirt and blue shorts as described by Ms. Bailey.

Mrs. Parsons became irate at the presence of the Trooper when he began speaking with her grandparents to try and find a solution. After some time, Ms. Parsons lit a cigarette and stuck it in the Trooper’s face. Trooper Richards then attempted to place Ms. Parsons into custody for Assaulting a police officer, as he was in fear of being burned. She did not comply with the Trooper and resisted extensively in an attempt to flee.

Trooper Richards gained controlled and placed Ms. Parsons into Custody. She was taken to the WVSP Grantsville Detachment for processing and charged with Assault on Law Enforcement Officer §61-2-10b(e), Defacing property – §]61-3-30(a), Attempt to Flee/Resisting §61-5-17(d) and Walking in Roadway – §17C-10-6(b).

She is currently being held in the WV Central Regional Jail on a $500 bond to await trial.


oficer since this Trooper was ni fear of being burned. Ms. Parsons
did not comply with this Trooper and resisted extensively atempting ot fle. After some time, this Trooper gained control of Ms.
Parsons and placed her into custody.
This Trooper transported Ms. Parsons ot the WVSP Grantsville Detachment where she was processed for Assault on a law enforcement officer, Defacing property for throwing an object at avehicle, atempt to Flee/Resisting since Ms. Parsons did not comply with this Trooper and walking in the roadway.
Al acts occurred ni Calhoun County, WV.

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