Submitted by Patty Haught

Row 1 Raelyn Arnold, Scarlett Probasco, Noah Richards, Liam Carpenter
Row 2 Owen Heiney, Halynn Whytsell, Kayson Smarr, Genevieve Riggs, Jessie Cadle, Isaiah Hickman
Row 3 Gunner Lamp, Brenton Slider, Hazel Winkler, Kyle Shook, Sophia Bartelt, Maison Wilson, Colbie Wilson, Silas Cunningham, Adrianna Griffin.
Pleasant Hill Elementary School held their Snowflake Coronation on Friday, November 18, 2022. There were 23 contestants in grades PreK-4th grade and they collected money for votes. The contestants raised a grand total of $14,942.29. This fund raiser was sponsored by the Pleasant Hill Elementary School PTO and the money will be used for school field trips and other fun activities throughout the school year. The contestants for each grade level are as follows:
Preschool- Dakota Mounts, Saphira Woodring, Noah Richards, Issac Starcher
K- Halynn Whytsell, Scarlett Probasco, Kayson Smarr, Owen Heiney
1st- Jessie Cadle, Genevieve Riggs, Isaiah Hickman, Liam Carpenter
2nd – Raelyn Arnold, Hazel Winkler, Gunner Lamp, Brenton Slider
3rd – Sophia Bartelt, Mackenzie Harris, Kyle Shook, Maison Wilson
4th – Adrianna Griffin, Colbie Wilson, Silas Cunningham

1st runner up to the Snowflake Queen was Raelyn Arnold, 1st runner up to the Snowflake King was
Liam Carpenter.

The 2022 PHE Snowflake Queen is Scarlett Probasco, The 2022 PHE Snowflake King is Noah Richards
The PTO and staff at PHE would like to thank all the contestants and their families for the hard work and for the community for supporting these students. We greatly appreciate your help with this fund raiser.