News Opinion Politics

Political Endorsements of Ridgeview News

Shari Johnson, Publisher

Ridgeview News is a locally owned and operated News site covering the news, events, opinions and information for Calhoun residents and those who have an interest of the happenings in our communities.

While I have from the beginning made my conservative view points very clear, I have not publicly endorsed political candidates… until now.

As the November 5th election draws near (41 days away) the social media rhetoric and commentary has been getting intense.

The endorsements of candidates will not prevent me from publishing news regarding the candidates I support or the opposing candidates in truth, good or bad. I offered to all candidates regardless of party the opportunity for them to share their platforms, some did, some did not. Those who did not, lost the opportunity for the thousands of readers of the Ridgeview News to understand where they stood.

Ridgeview News formally endorses the following persons seeking election because I believe that their convictions are such that they truly have the best interest of our community at heart, and will discharge the duty of their positions in a way that will create positive actions, economic growth and better lives for the people living in Calhoun County. When considering these candidates I want leaders that will be role models for our children, candidates that believe in openly supporting God and Nation and will defend the ideals that are represented in Calhoun County. And are pro-life.

For those reasons I endorse:

  • Eric Lupardus – Calhoun County Commission
    • Eric Lupardus is a a businessman and political candidate who has done more than throw his hat in the ring. He’s proven his ability to impact the county economy by not giving up until businesses agree to look at Calhoun as an untapped source of people with great work ethic and commitment to stay in place. He has involved himself in every avenue of the community to make himself aware of where the needs lie, and then do something about it.
  • Roger Propst – Calhoun County Commission
    • Roger Propst stepped up when the County needed him most to fulfill the role as County Commissioner. He has proven over and over that he will not allow the status quo of unchecked political offices to continue and the county to operate without checks and balances. He has raised questions and worked to put policies in place to make transparency a priority.


  • Roger Hanshaw – House of Delegates
    • Has been an advocate and champion for the citizens of Calhoun County. When political leaders of the past lest us down, he phoned with opportunities.
  • Carol Miller – U.S. House of Representatives
    • Miller’s focus in Congress is creating jobs, diversifying the economy, investing in trade relations, protecting America’s borders, and supporting West Virginia’s energy industries like coal, oil, and gas. Calhoun County and our Nations needs someone in defending those issues.
  • Chris Rose – WV State Senate
    • The issues on the heart of Chris Rose are Parental Rights and school choice, pro-life, 2nd amendment, energy, lower taxes, election integrity, improved roads and protecting West Virginia farmland. I believe his issues are right in line with ours.
  • Patrick Morrisey – Governor
    • Lists his issues and goals as defeating federal overreach and the deep state, cutting taxes, building broadband, stop woke initiatives, protect our second amendment rights, he is Pro-life, and will defend the integrity of womens sports. For these reasons we should support his candidacy for Governor.
  • Jim Justice – U.S. Senate
    • West Virginia is a better State because of Jim Justice. His focus through his time in office as Governor has been to bring jobs to West Virginia, and he’s done that. He promises to strengthen our borders and we need everyone we can get on that issue. He’s for peace through strength… our military men and women have not received the support they’ve deserved. We need people in office who know that our military needs restore to what it once was.

All of the above candidates are pro life. This has got to be a focus for the voters of the United States. How can God bless a nation that won’t defend its children? I heard a doctor speak of a child scurrying to the other side of the womb to get away from the instrument of death that was trying to take its life. I cannot get those words, and that evil out of my mind. Pro-life matters. It’s shows the concern of these candidates for all life.

  • Donald Trump – President of the United States
    • On November 5, pro-life voters will be faced with a choice at the ballot box. They’ll have the option to choose Democrat Kamala Harris who promises to advance the abortion advocacy of the Biden administration and codify Roe v. Wade into federal law. Who, with the Democratic Party, set up an abortion clinic and celebrated the murder of innocent babies at the Democratic convention. Or, While Donald Trump is not pro-life, it is he who through the appointment of three U.S. Supreme Court Justices, contributed to overturning of Roe. Because of this, and the fact that I believe this man is in the cross hairs (literally) of the Democratic Party because they know their wicked liberal agenda that supports the genital mutilation of children, the

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