FELONY CASES FILED Sheriff Warren Basnett vs. Michael Perry Richards, 23M07F00012, (1) Burglary, (2) Grand Larceny. Case dismissed by Magistrate Lora Davis on 9/13/23. WVSP, Sgt. Christopher J. Weekley vs. David A. Clary, 23M07F00034, Domestic Battery or Domestic Assault Third offense, Dismissed by Magistrate Richard Postalwait on 9/14/23. WVSP, Trooper Josh Richards vs. John Henry Read More…
The West Fork Riding Club ring was in great shape. Special thanks to the gate crew, ring crew, and gate admission crew. A great big thanks to Rita Blevins for the goodies for the cake walk and feeding us in the booth. We love you Rita. Show results for August 3rd show are: 1. Open halter: 1st Lexi Read More…
The Pleasant Hill Public Service District has located the leak that has plagued the system with water loss for several days. The leak was located in a creek, which was part of the issue of locating it. They are now in the process of repairing the line and hope to have the system restored soon.