Following the acceptance of the resignation of Committee chairman Michael Fitzwater due to other commitments, the Calhoun County Republican Executive Committee Elected Roger Propst to fill that position. The Republican Committee has been very happy with the direction that their organization has been going and want to continue to grow the Committee and the Republican presence in Calhoun County.
Following his appointment, Roger thanked Michael Fitzwater for having gotten the Republican Committee back up and running and the many accomplishments of the past year under his leadership. Roger then shared his own goals and aspirations for the committee to continue the positive outcomes and focus on filling the empty rolls of the Calhoun Committee.
There are two Republican voting seats in each of the five magisterial districts. A committeeman and a committeewoman for each district’s representation. Currently Roger Propst, Chairman and Amanda White, Treasurer have the Center District filled. Shari Johnson, Secretary fills the committeewoman position for the Lee District, but the male position is currently open. There are both male and female positions open for the districts of Sherman, Sheridan and Washington. If you are a Republican with the desire to serve Calhoun County in accordance with belief in the local, State and National platforms, please consider applying for one the position in your district. If you’d rather not serve as an officer, your attendance and input with the Republican Party would be much appreciated.
The group meets the third Tuesday of each month in the Little Courtroom of the Courthouse. Please attend and let your voice be heard in our community. For more information about the local efforts and upcoming events you can contact: – Shari Johnson, Secretary | , Roger Propst, Chariman |, Amanda White, Treasurer |