Republican Club Meeting
Mom’s place Too
Grantsville, WV
Tuesday, June 14, 5 pm

Minutes from Prior Meeting
The 2nd meeting of the Calhoun County Republican group was held at Mom’s Place Restaurant in Grantsville on Tuesday, May 31, at 5:00 p.m. Attendance rose from six to 16 present. Our goal is to grow Calhoun County’s Conservative Party, provide communication relative to government laws, increase our ballot participation (provide GOP candidates), become more visible during the election process (i.e. - signs, advertisements, supportive of Republican candidates’ values), and provide input to the State and National Party affiliation.
Attending the meeting were: Stewart Denobogi, Tonya Cunningham, Roger Propst, Loretta Propst, Mark Swident, Elaine Swident, Michelle Smith, Judy Wolfren, Craig Arthur, Warren Basnett, John Griffin, Michael Plato, Cheryl Plato, Shari Hardway Johnson, Aryeh White, Amanda White.
Old business discussed was the 5/9/2022 meeting prior to the Primary Election. During the discussion, the Sample Ballot was presented which revealed there was no representation of the GOP for County Committee members for Calhoun. Areyh White had agreed to be listed as a ‘write-in’ provision for the Male Congressional Executive Committee. He reported back that he had not been successful because of not being registered in WV sufficient time to be eligible. Opposition Parties will continue to win elections if a viable alternative candidate is not presented.
Further discussion ensued as to the distinction between a Republican Club and the county Republican Executive Committee. Roles of each were discussed and a decision was made to have representatives of the group meet with the Chairman of the County Executive Committee to finds ways to work in concert in furthering the platform of the Republican party.
The next meeting of the group was set for June 14th at 5:
00 pm at “Mom’s Place Too”.