News Politics

Republicans and Independents: Is there a common ground?

Since my husband David’s retirement, we’ve had some major Mr. & Mrs. adjustments to make. Eight hours of John Wayne, Walker Texas Ranger, or the Loony Toons is too much. Our dietary habits are at opposite ends of the spectrum, so him being home now requires him or I to cook and then almost inevitably me to clean. So, I’m sure you’re asking, “What does that have to do with the Republican Party?”

Well, I am an illustrator. Both of word and art. And I like life applications that help me to define and understand things more easily.

I liken David and I (although both of us are Republican) to the Republican and Independent Parties. We mostly agree, until we don’t. We assuredly agree that we want no part of what the Democrats are sellin’. David and I do not agree on entertainment. I want news… he wants a western where they just hang the guilty and get rid of the problem. I’m a little more compassionate.

When you look at the Republican and Independent parties, I see much of the same characteristics, we all want truth and justice. It may come in different forms, but that’s what we want. There would have been a time I would have been an Independent, but there’s a reason I’m a Republican. And it has nothing to do with the National Party. I don’t trust the vast majority of them as far as you can throw them. But I want people to know where I stand, and for me the Independent party isn’t always clear on that. It’s a personal preference that I am a Republican.

Do I hate Democrats? No. I don’t hate John Wayne or Walker either, but they’re not my cup of tea, and for the same reason I don’t waste my time on their antics. As for the Loony Toons it reminds me too much of Washington, DC.

Now, let’s consider our dietary habits. David likes red meat and potatoes. I like salad, pasta and chicken. We both love Italian, so that’s our staple for a meal together. But for the most part, he eats red meat and I’ll settle for a bowl of cereal because I don’t want to cook two meals.

We shouldn’t ever “settle.” In food or politics.

If I just accepted what was on the table, my nutrition level would go to the dogs, literally. Ellie and Izzie (our dogs) would eat my dinner. By the same token, if we just accept what the Democrats are handing us on the County level, we will never receive what we need, to take care of the health our community. You can’t survive on bologna. Pun intended.

For decades Calhoun has watched as the Democratic Party went from slightly liberal to full blown anti Christian, anti God, anti morality and anti American ideologies.

I met an Independent in the Walmart parking lot this week and had a somewhat comical, but very serious conversation. He and I agreed that our Democrat friends who didn’t necessarily drink every drop of the liberal koolaid, had drunk enough of it to not see life clearly. It’s got to be laced with something to make so many people blind.

The end result of the illustration is clean up. No matter who eats, or what they eat, somebody has to do the dishes or there is going to be a putrid smell and rats in the kitchen. How’s that for an illustration on politics? That’s what we have in the current government … and somebody has got to clean it up.

You can’t do that by never going in the kitchen. And you can’t clean up politics by never going into an office. Whether you are Republican or an Independent, you need to vote for the best, conservative candidate. I can almost guarantee you it won’t be a Democrat.

The Republican Party will be meeting at the Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department, tomorrow, December 19th at 6:30 p.m. Regardless of your party, if you are of a conservative nature, we’d love to see you attend the meeting. We need to do some clean up on aisle 1, and it starts with a community standing up for truth and justice.

Shari Johnson, Acting Republican Chairwoman
