Cabot Recycling Station will be having a free tire and electronic collection February 18, 2022 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. There is no limit to the number of tires, with or without rims, and any type electronic device can be disposed of for free. In addition to the reward of having a clean community, the 1982 Foundation is hosting a Rid the Rubble contest in conjunction with the February 18th event.
A Grand Prize of four airplane tickets (booked one month in advance) to anywhere in the continental United States will be awarded to someone in Calhoun County for earning the most points based on the following criteria:
- Amount of Ridded Rubble (Weight documentation)
- River Rubble Ridded from the Banks of the Little Kanawha River (bonus points)
- Mad Respect for Removing Rubble for Residents incapable of doing it themselves. (Bonus points)
- Before and after photo documentation.
This is a good time to take advantage to clean up your property and have an easy outlet to dispose of the debris. Let the clean up begin!
Cabot Station Recycling provides glass recycling, tire disposal, household battery recycling, plastic #1 & #2 as well as cardboard and paper.