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Farmer’s Market Open In Arnoldsburg Each Friday
The Farmers Market will open each Friday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. with local vendors. Calhoun County is blessed to have markets set up in three areas of the county giving access to an enticing array of produce, fresh and in season ― and a lot more ― from local farmers, bakers, artisans and Read More…
Update on the 1982 Foundation Projects
Weekly update from Crystal Mersh, Foundation President Welp Mr. Shamblin had to come to terms with the fact that they are going to be building a swimming pool in the mud. He is a lovely man from Ravenswood who has built a large proportion of the recreational size swimming pools in WV. He told me Read More…
Bootstraps Meeting Planned for Saturday, March 4
Everyone welcome….come and let’s pull ourselves up by our bootstraps. Spring is coming and there is lots to do. @everyone Date: Saturday March 4 Location: Calhoun Library Boot Strap meeting for the following 3 teams: