Shari Johnson/Publisher
The fact that we are living in an era when there is virtually no truth in news media , and through the power of social media, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter users literally have their own ”miniature” news accounts, truth is even harder to find. All this was one of the major deciding factors on the beginning of Ridgeview News. While I am not above reproach when it comes to error, I’m human after all, as Publisher, truth is not subjective. I want to be a trusted news source from an unbiased view point. I appreciate Mr. Helmick’s social media post regarding the $800,000 not coming from ARPA funds, which was a comment made by a member of the “Raising Houners” group at their Sunday meeting, reported on by me. See previous article here (https://ridgeviewnews.com/?p=2569)
In their defense, I have been told by more than one person that I should investigate how the Calhoun County Commission paid that very large regional jail bill off; and several told me that they believed the county used ARPA funds. I had never reported it because I had no facts on the matter, and without the facts I won’t report it. So when the statement was made at Sunday’s meeting, I reported it as ”a statement made,” not as fact. The groups attention was not so much on where the funds had came from, but rather the fact the regional jail bill had been allowed to accumulate into such a large bill. And the fact that our county could have used that $800,000 in any number of ways more beneficial.
With all that being said again, I applaud Commissioner Helmick for the clarity. #nowweknow.