
Search for Stolen Property

A Calhoun property owner has been the victim of theft on more than one occasion over the past year. In hopes of locating some of the missing property, the following information is provided in hopes of some of the items having been seen, or if anyone noticed someone moving the equipment from the area of the Route 5 and Route 7 sides of the Little Kanawha River within 5 miles of Grantsville.

The first items stolen were dirt bikes over a year ago. They have since stolen weed eaters, saws, tools, game cameras and more. Stolen last July was a quad, and then last month they stole a large 4 wheel drive tractor with mower attached that he paid payments on for several years. There have been reports filed with state and local police but still no information. The victim has lost over $20,000 worth of equipment!

The quad is an 07 Honda Foreman 500 and it’s yellow underneath the camo wrap. The dirt bike is 2003 YAMAHA YZ250F. The tractor is a Landini 6500 with A Massey Ferguson loader

If you can provide any information please comment on this post and the information will be gathered there. Thank you!