Guest Writers News

Spring Continues in Creston as Spring Creek Road Falls Away

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.

The Creston Easter party was at noon on Saturday at the Creston Community Building.  It had been scheduled for Palm Sunday but the area was without power and communication systems.  There were lots of good things to eat and there were Easter baskets for the little ones.

The comely Kim was visiting with her mother Wilma and other family members.  On Tuesday her kidney stones are scheduled to be destroyed [finally].

Spring continues in the Creston area with turkey gobblers gobbling, toads trilling and swallow tail butterflies in the air.  Also the wood boring bumblebees are out and about. Tulips are at their prime as are trilliums, dutchman’s breeches, buttercups, blue bells, bellwort, star chickweed, sassafras and red buds.  The red buds are spectacular and it is worth a trip to view the flowers along I-79 near Sutton, especially along where the hill was cut away.  Highway biggie little Jimmy Wriston’s out of state tree whacking buddies didn’t cut them down which was nice of them.

The water has gone down in the river and folks have been fishing.  Some very pretty ducks have taken up residence in the West Fork of the Little Kanawha River.  

Those taking the Spring Creek road out of Spencer [formerly called the Spencer & Burning Springs road] need to be careful, especially after dark as there are places where the road is partially gone and one can easily go over the hill.  No doubt if one asks about repair one will be told, “We ain’t got no money!”  The highway biggies spent it on their buddies with big contracts to make sure the sun shines on the roadway.  Of course keeping roads open and safe would likely be called core maintenance but there is nothing in that for the connected ones.

Several local residents have been making visits with their medical professionals.

Warren Buffett’s  Berkshire Hathaway Energy subsidiary BHE GT&S has agreed to sell Eastern Energy Field Services, Inc. to Interstate Gas Supply, LLC of Dublin, Ohio.  The impact of this sale presently is not known locally.

Folks have been planting garden and digging ramps.

Randy Broida’s sister Deb wanted it made clear that the company was not for sale and that the intent was to continue on as her brother had planned.

It was reported that a new class action suit has been certified against Rusty Hutson, Jr.’s Diversified Energy concerning some old wells he acquired from EQT.  It seems that the suit required that abandoned wells be plugged.  No doubt more details will soon be obtained.

Lanny Meadows had open heart surgery and, at last report, he is still doing well.  Modern medicine that is not political does wonderful things.

The senile one and his puppet master, the big eared one, went out of their way to insult Saudi Arabia and now the kingdom has told us where to shove it.  The Arabs & their buddies decided to cut oil production to make an increase in the price.  Also there is a big push to eliminate the US dollar as the basis of trade.  The impact of that will be severe and even impact Creston & environs. The senile one drained the US emergency petroleum reserve by selling crude to Hunter’s buddies that use chop sticks and now the price has gone up and the reserve is empty and there was no emergency.  Local Pennsylvania crude rose to $79.70/bbl. with condensate fetching $63.70/bbl.  Marcellus & Utica light brought $70.70 & medium $79.70/bbl.  Locally gasolene prices have gone up.

The federal Energy Information Administration announced that US LNG [liquified natural gas] has now completely replaced the Russian natural gas that heated home in western Europe.  The EIA also reported that oil & gas production over the next 30 years will remain strong as there are no alternatives in spite of what the green weenies claim.  The Henry Hub [Louisiana] price of natural gas rose to $2.45/MMBTU [dekatherm].

The EPA wants to raise the rate of the so called “cost estimate” of the production of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) from $51/ton to $190/ton.  Of course CO2 is what plants use to grow, make food, fiber and wood, among other things.  The obvious intent is to shut down business in America to benefit China that does not deal with such foolishness.

The fallout from the shooting at the Christian school in Tennessee continues and is very concerning.  Those who promote the “trans” theology blame Christians for all the woes we have and the highest levels of the junta in the lower Potomac Swamp have made it clear where they stand.  One needs to ask all elected officials as to whether or not they support religious freedom and defend traditional Christian & Jewish values.  It is clear that the Dee Cee swamp is hostile both here & abroad.  Now title nine which allowed for girls and womens sports is now under attack.  The answers should be yes or no, not well, considering that . . . . .
