Guest Writers News

Spring Flowers Blooming in WV and Mushroom Clouds looming in Ohio, and other Springtime News from Mr. Engelke

Debbie Griffin is home on the mend after undergoing robotic surgery.  She is slowly on the mend.

The amphibians, likely spade footed toads and other not so often seen ones, have been singing their little hearts out in an effort to woo the ladies.  In addition to dandelions, chickweed, hairy bittercress and henbit the crocuses are now in bloom and down at Burning Springs some of the daffodils are blooming along W. Va. 5.

Donald Wayne Curtis, age 65, of Parkersburg, passed away.  Many years ago the family lived in the Jess Ashley property.

Michael E. Collins, age 62, passed away.  He was a son of Ruby Pearl Monroe Collins & the late Harley Collins.  Burial will be in the Saunders cemetery.

The Creston News writer got to spend several hours of “quality time” in the Belpre emergency room.  His nurse was Ashley Lewis, the granddaughter of Jim Schrader’s sister Bonnie.  Ashley would be the great great grandaughter of ‘Aunt’ Sally Vandal Tanner.

Kennith & Sandy Bush were attending to business in Creston & calling on Chancy & Mary Shaw.

A big new met coal mine has opened in Barbour County and, it is understood that all the coal is going to make weapons for the Chinese Liberation Army, the Chinese Liberation Navy, etc.  One would think that W. Va. coal would be used to make steel in America, not be sent to our enemies who will send it back to us “in force”.

Speaking of China [& our other enemies] no doubt their military leaders busted a gut laughing when they learned that the senile one used two (2) $400,000 missiles to take down a $12 balloon belonging to a hobby group in Illinois.  General Willy Nilly has all his ducks in a row for sure.

Now it was learned that Jennifer Grandholm who is the Energy Secretary met “privately” with the China funder Rocky Mountain Institute, the outfit that said, without evidence, that gas stoves were bad & should be banned.

Also, it was learned, that the head of Pfizer met “privately” with a number of governors.  One can only wonder.  As some say, “We have the best money can buy.”

The folks down at the Mouth of the Elk have decided to give a 9 year exemption on severance tax from operations that retrieve lithium and rare earth minerals in West Virginia.  Presently the brines containing lithium are being placed in disposal wells & there are substantial amounts of the “trace” elements in West Virginia.  An operation is to start soon in Wyoming County involving coal mine waste.

The recent “controlled burn” of rail cars filled mostly with toxic chemicals in East Palestine Ohio is a glaring example of how the ruling class looks at those of us in flyover country.  The Norfolk & Western Rail Road [now Norfolk Southern] was “too busy” to repair the bad bearings in their locomotives but why worry, they were in tight with little Mayor Pete.  Then they had a major derailment of cars containing Vinyl chloride, butyl acrylate, ethyhexyl acrylate, ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, isobutylene, etc.  Instead of working to get the cars, or at least most of them back on the tracks some “wizard” decided it would be easier just to set them all on fire and the EPA [who is supposed to protect the American citizens], the uniparty Republican governor of Ohio and the self appointed radical environmentalist Democrat governor of Pennsylvania all went along.  After all what could go wrong: smart people said it would work.  The wreck was in “Nowheresville” a place occupied by mostly straight white folks of very modest means.  Little Mayor Pete had been busy lowering the safety standards for pilots & air traffic controllers & fighting “racist roads”.  As he said trains wreck every day — no big deal.  Open up the tracks, dig a ditch pour the toxins out and set them alight.  The mushroom cloud & fire was seen for miles as stuff fell out of the sky over a large area,  The chemicals went into the ground, the ground water and nearby streams that go into the Ohio River.  The City of Huntington has already started getting water from the Guyandotte River.  FEMA said the situation did not involve them as it wasn’t a hurricane, etc.  Of course what is now clear that this is a man made environmental disaster likened unto Cherynobyl.  The fish died, the chickens died, there are no birds and J. D. Vance’s drawing a stick through the water showed obvious contamination when the EPA and other experts said it was all good.

EQT, the biggest producer of natural gas in the nation reported a profit of $1.8 billion.  Toby Rice, the CEO doesn’t want the gas used here to make products & generate wealth but instead to export it as LNG to other nations.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude dipped to $75.34/bbl. with condensate fetching just $59.34/bbl. with Marcellus & Utica light bringing $66.34 & medium $75.34.bbl.  The Henry Hub price of natural gas was $2.28/MMBTU [dekatherm].  It was noted that in January the Henry Hub [Louisiana] price dropped by 41%.  Hard to plan with such volatility.
