Community Events Schools

Student Interest/Issues Day at Calhoun Middle High School

Friday, March 24 is Student Interest Day at Calhoun Middle-High School. Student interest in a topic holds so much power. When a topic connects to what students like to do, engagement deepens as they willingly spend time thinking, dialoging, and creating ideas in meaningful ways. Making learning contextual to real-world experiences is a key learning technique with differentiating for student interests. Factoring for student interests works well with instructional planning based on readiness and learning profiles. Readiness combined with interest leads to students doing work at a respectable complexity level with the familiarity of a topic that they relate to.

Vendors from multiple business and organizations have set up throughout the inside and outside of the Calhoun Middle High School to allow students from the elementary schools through High School to ask questions and learn more about opportunities and services available in their community.