Business News

Supreme Court Determines that MVP is Allowed to Continue

In a Statement released by Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), Chairman of the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, following an order by the U.S. Supreme Court allowing the construction of Mountain Valley Pipeline to continue, Manchin said “The Supreme Court has spoken and this decision to let construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline move forward again is the correct one. I am relieved that the highest court in the land has upheld the law Congress passed and the President signed.”  

The Supreme Court on Thursday temporarily cleared the way for construction of a 300-mile pipeline capable of carrying two billion cubic feet of natural gas daily from northern West Virginia to southern Virginia.

In lifting a stay on the pipeline, the court issued a brief order that gave no reason for the decision, which is not uncommon when the justices act on emergency applications. The order was provisional, and the case will move forward in the lower courts.

The Mountain Valley Pipeline, which has cost more than $6 billion, has been the subject of years of legal challenges from environmental groups and is nearing completion.

The Supreme Court on Thursday temporarily cleared the way for construction of a 300-mile pipeline capable of carrying two billion cubic feet of natural gas daily from northern West Virginia to southern Virginia.

In lifting a stay on the pipeline, the court issued a brief order that gave no reasons, which is typical when the justices act on emergency applications. The order was provisional, and the case will move forward in the lower courts.

The Mountain Valley Pipeline, which has cost more than $6 billion, has been the subject of years of legal challenges from environmental groups and is nearing completion.

The United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, in Richmond, Va., had issued orders this month temporarily blocking the remaining construction.

Backers of the pipeline embraced the Supreme Court’s decision, expressing relief that construction would continue, while environmental groups continue to call the pipeline destructive and vow to make every effort to stop the pipeline effort.
