Art & Music Community Events News Schools Sports

Homecoming Memories from 1979 – Ridgeview’s Senior Year

1979 seems like a life time ago, and yet like yesterday. You’re officially old when you make statements like that. But this weeks Homecoming Events caused a flood of memories to come back into my mind and I began to ponder the things that have changed since 1979, the beginning of my Senior year. 1979 Read More…

Art & Music Government News Schools

An Informative Chat with Mrs. Whytsell

By Shari Johnson, Publisher With the up and coming School Levy on the November 8 Ballot, more conversations than normal are happening in the small communities of Calhoun County with regard to the operation of Calhoun County Schools. It was with that in mind that I reached out to the Calhoun County School Board with Read More…