News Politics

Republicans and Independents: Is there a common ground?

Since my husband David’s retirement, we’ve had some major Mr. & Mrs. adjustments to make. Eight hours of John Wayne, Walker Texas Ranger, or the Loony Toons is too much. Our dietary habits are at opposite ends of the spectrum, so him being home now requires him or I to cook and then almost inevitably Read More…

Birth Announcement News Politics

U.S. Senate Candidate Chris Rose Meets with Local Republicans

The Calhoun County Republican Executive Committee met Tuesday, June 20th for their regular monthly meeting in Grantsville. U.S. Senate Candidate, Chris Rose, attended the meeting to promote his 2024 run for U.S. Senate in West Virginia. Rose spoke to those in attendance about being a fourth-generation coal miner who was born and raised in the Read More…

Community Events News Politics

Calhoun Republicans to Meet June 20th

CALHOUN COUNTY REPUBLICAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDATuesday, June 20, 2023,  – 6:30 p.m.Grantsville Volunteer Fire Dept.  – GRANTSVILLE, WV I. Opening Prayer – Pastor Steve Boggs II. Pledge of Allegiance – Amanda White, Treasurer III. Call to Order – Roger Propst, Chairman IV. Roll Call of Committee – Shari Hardway Johnson, Secretary V. Guest Speaker – Rashida Yost, Republican Candidate for Governor VI. Chairman’s Report. A. Gun Raffle Financials. B. Future Fundraisers. VII. New Business. A. Accept Nominations for the Office of Vice-Chair.  Vote by Read More…

Government News Politics

Republican’s Hold Emergency Session for Sheriff Vacancy Recommendations

The Calhoun Republican Executive Committee met Monday evening in an emergency session to discuss the Wednesday Calhoun County Commission meeting over the upcoming Sheriff vacancy. Sheriff Warren Basnett is set to resign on the 30th of April, 2023 leaving his position open with an appointment to be made within 30 days. As the process goes, Read More…

News Politics

Republican Executive Committee Meeting Next Tuesday, April 18

The Calhoun County Republican Party is working now more than ever to support leaders, policies, and priorities that put Americans first. We support hardworking West Virginia workers and businesses in hopes of creating a growing economy beginning with Calhoun County. Our mission is to create a future of good jobs, strong families, safe communities, but we Read More…

News Politics

First Annual Lincoln Day Dinner in the Books!

The Calhoun County Republican Executive Committee held the first Lincoln Day Dinner in over 40 years in Calhoun County. The Committee comprised of four officers and several members at large worked diligently to organize the event with over 90 registered guests including Keynote Speaker, Secretary of State and 2024 Gubernatorial Candidate, Mac Warner. The event Read More…