Government News Schools

Calhoun County Schools Found Noncompliant of ESSER Funding in WVDE Audit

Beginning in March 2020, the West Virginia Department of Education received nearly $1.2 Billion in ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) Funds, which was then distributed to LEA (Local Education Agencies) in support of areas impacted by COVID 19. The funds were to support the safe reopening of the schools and to recover from Read More…

Art & Music Government News Schools

An Informative Chat with Mrs. Whytsell

By Shari Johnson, Publisher With the up and coming School Levy on the November 8 Ballot, more conversations than normal are happening in the small communities of Calhoun County with regard to the operation of Calhoun County Schools. It was with that in mind that I reached out to the Calhoun County School Board with Read More…