Guest Writers

Our Nontraditional Thanksgiving 2022

We planned thanksgiving this year with ‘untraditional’ in mind. But that plan was for the food. Little did we know that apparently God had a slightly more altered graphic plan. Steve, being the only real chef at our house, began his food prep a day early. Chop chop. Sauté. Marinade. Mix mix. The yeast was Read More…

Home News

When Everyone was In Their Place – A tribute to Hardway Women

Written by Shari Johnson, Publisher. They grew up in a different era, when a woman “knew” her place When husbands worked, and children played and families still said grace. A woman’s place, might be at work, or it might be a home But for certain they were central to everything going on. Our Father’s role Read More…

Guest Writers

Adventures in St. Augustine, Part I – Visiting Steve’s Momma’s house

During the last 2-3 years, Steve and I have made several changes in our life. Changes in our plans. Geographical changes which have included moving our residence. Three times! In some ways, it has been difficult. Not only physically, but emotionally. However, not dwelling on the details of all that, I will get to the Read More…

Finance Home

Frugal Family Fun

Whitney Butler 1-3-2022 Looking to save money for a family vacation? Need to make a big purchase but don’t have the down payment? Or maybe you’re just wanting to challenge yourself to save more money in 2022. Here is a fun challenge that will give you $10k or more if you start today. Grab a box of Read More…