Crimes/Punishment News

Trudy Dowler Returned to Original Sentence

The photos of Trudy Dowler above are from her two previous jail photos, and the final one taken by Ridgeview at her hearing on Thursday. Trudy Ellen Dowler appeared before Judge Anita Harold Ashley on April 6th, 2023 with Attorney David Richardson, and Nigel Jeffries, Prosecutor. Her appearance was set for further sentencing from her Read More…

Crimes/Punishment News

Scruton Pleads Guilty to Incest and Abuse Charges

Rickie Lee Scruton, age 44, plead guilty in the Calhoun County Circuit Court on Tuesday, March 7th, 2023 before Judge Anita Ashley. In his final statement before sentencing Scruton informed Judge Ashley, through his Attorney David Richardson, that he admitted to inappropriately touching his daughter, but did not admit some of the allegations that were Read More…

Crimes/Punishment News

Clover Plea Leaves cloud of Questions regarding WVDHHR and Hospital’s Accountability

Thomas Leon Clover, originally charged with Neglect of an Incapacitated Person Resulting in Injury, appeared with his attorney Daniel Minardi in the Calhoun County Circuit Court on Tuesday, March 7th, 2023. The case was slated for Jury trial but at the last minute Clover decided he would accept the plea agreement offered by the State Read More…

Crimes/Punishment News

What a Successful Day in Court Looks Like

John Fisher had been placed on a “High Low” agreement through the Calhoun Circuit Court in 2022, allowing him to go through Drug Treatment Court for rehabilitation. Judge Anita Ashley said that Mr. Fisher had completed with flying colors and was now completely clean and sober. During this time of rehabilitation he also managed to Read More…

Crimes/Punishment News

Douglas Enters Plea Before Judge Anita Harold Ashley

Loretta Kay Douglas appeared before Judge Anita Harold Ashley on Tuesday, March 7, 2023 in the matter of the State of West Virginia 22F2/23F7, with her her Attorney Calvin Honaker. Miss Douglas waived her constitutional right to a preliminary hearing allowing the State to bring charges without an indictment for the charge of Conspiracy to Read More…


Three Drug Court Graduates Honored in Calhoun Ceremony

Adult Drug Court began in Calhoun County as well Roane in 2015 to serve those counties in helping drug addicted defendants escape what is most often a lifetime battle Involving entire families. Mike Lacy, Surpreme Court Director of Probation said in 2015 “Drug addiction is “like an ocean you can’t swim out of unless somebody Read More…

Crimes/Punishment News

Bramblewood Village Arsonist Sentenced in Calhoun Circuit Court

Darrin Vaughan appeared before Judge Anita Harold Ashley in Calhoun Circuit Court for sentencing on his conviction of 2nd Degree Arson in relation to the July 8th, 2022, Bramblewood Village Fire.  A pre-sentence investigation report had been provided by Alicia Lawson, Probation officer, and accepted by Prosecuting Attorney Nigel Jeffries and Defense Attorney, Daniel Minardi.  Read More…

Crimes/Punishment News

Danny Burrows Receives Maximum Consecutive Sentences on Arson Charges

Danny Burrows appeared before Judge Anita Ashley for sentencing on his December 2022 conviction on two of the three counts of Arson he was charged with. Defense Attorney Mark Plants made a request for a new trial on the premise of inconsistent verdicts from the jury. His request was argued by Prosecuting Attorney Nigel Jeffries Read More…

Crimes/Punishment News

Two day Jury Trial for George Nicholas Parsons Jury Concludes with Split Verdict

The Jury Trial of George Nicholas Parsons began Tuesday Morning, February 14th, 2023 in the Circuit Court room of Judge Anita Harold Ashley. Parsons’ attorney, David Richardson attempted, at the request of his client, to receive another continuance stating that Mr. Parsons had hired a private investigator that had failed to produce witnesses. The Judge Read More…