Crimes/Punishment News

Hudson Sentenced on 3 Counts of Sexual Abuse by Parent, Guardian or Custodian

Kim Hudson appeared for sentencing in the Calhoun County Circuit Court before Judge Anita Ashley on Thursday, November 10th, 2023. Attorney Daniel Minardi represented Hudson requesting for consideration of Kim Hudson his life without prior convictions, work ethics and his understanding of the harm he caused as a reason to have his Calhoun charges to Read More…

Crimes/Punishment News

Hudson Makes Confession to Belle WV State Police

Sgt. P.S. Fisher of the Quincy Detachment in Belle, WV filed a complaint in the office of Magistrate Richard G. Postalwait on March 21, 2022 with regards to the Defendant Kim Allen Hudson. Sgt. Fisher met with Kim Hudson in Belle, WV without knowledge of the alleged crimes that the defendant was about to reveal. Read More…