Crimes/Punishment News

Calhoun Magistrate Report for October

OCTOBER 2022 FELONY CASES STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, TPR. JD RICHARDS VS. ROBERT SCOTT PATTERSON charged with Entry of building other than dwelling, entry of railroad, traction, motorcar or steamboat. Appearance before Magistrate Richard Postalwait on October 20, 2022 for a preliminary hearing, probable cause found. STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, SGT. C.J. WEEKLEY VS. DENNIS Read More…

Crimes/Punishment News

Calhoun Magistrate Case Disposition Report for August

Felony Cases: Defendant Case # Offense Magistrate Date Disposition Sherry Bunner 22-M07F-00034 Creating a fraudulent demand draft or uttering or attempting to employ, as true such Richard Postalwait 8/24/22 Dismissed William Greathouse 22-M07F-00036 Sexual Abuse in the First Degree Richard Postalwait 8/18/22 Preliminary hearing waived William Greathouse 22-M07F-00036 Sexual Abuse by a person in a Read More…