Community Events News Schools Sports

End of Season Tailgate Party for all Youth Fall Sports, Cheer and Band

Ridgeview News extends an invitation to all sports and band youth to join us for a fun End of Season evening on Sunday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. The event will begin at the Grantsville Fire Hall with a truck or trailer parade through town with all youth representing their league They’ll be led by the Read More…

Business Government News

Invitation to Republican and Democrat Committees for Input and Confidence in Debate

Local Businessman Eric Lupardus will be the Lead Moderator for the Republican and Democratic Debate to be held on the 20th of October at the Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department. Eric would like both Committees to know that he is willing to meet with them to discuss his part in the upcoming debate and insure fairness Read More…


Ridgeview Campaign Continues

Ridgeview News celebrated our 1/2 year anniversary, June 1, 2022. It ’s been six months since we launched the website… Six very enjoyable months. I’m grateful for the advertisers, and I’m so grateful for the readers! However, the cost of Ridgeview far exceeds what advertising covers. I appreciate the communities support and hope you’ll consider Read More…

Business News

Please Help Ridgeview to Help You Stay Informed

Ridgeview News celebrated our 1/2 year anniversary, June 1, 2022. It ’s been six months since we launched the website… Six very enjoyable months. I’m grateful for the advertisers, and I’m so grateful for the readers! However, the cost of Ridgeview far exceeds what advertising covers. I appreciate the communities support and hope you’ll consider Read More…