Community Events News

Best Wishes to Calhoun Queen Miss Sophia Colon

2023 WV Molasses Festival Queen Sophia Colon will take the stage to represent the WV Molasses Festival at the WV Association of Fairs and Festival in Charleston, today, January 12th, 2024. She will be competing against 81 talented and beautiful festival queens from all over WV in Interview, Personal Promotion and Gown. Ridgeview News Wishes Read More…

Community Events Entertainment Holiday News

Arnoldsburg holds Weekend Christmas Festival at the Arnoldsburg Park

The two day Christmas Festival hosted by the WV Molasses Festival Pageant had a wonderful turn out of vendors and guests as they celebrated their community during the kick off of the Holiday season. Photo’s from the Molasses Festival Social media site show that not only the community turned up, but Santa himself stopped by Read More…