Community Events

Taking aim to help Aiden fight Hodgkins Lymphoma

Staff Writer/Whitney Butler

On Saturday, April 22nd, several community members gathered together to do test their aim and raise money for a local family whose son is currently fighting Hodgkins Lymphoma. A total of 16 shooters and several on-lookers took place in the event. Turn out was lower than expected due to multiple ball games in every direction, but despite the craziness the group still managed to raise several hundred dollars to help ease the burden Aiden and his family have on their shoulders while battling this disease. 

Aiden, is only 10 years old and a student of ArnoldsburgElementary School. He is the son of Matt and Alyssa Falls, and was diagnosed, in March of this year, after battling many different illnesses with no answers as to why. He recently just finished his second round of chemo therapy. While his mother posts updates on his condition as they go along, the most heart warming thing is to see the smile on a little boy who has every reason to be mad at the world. 

This is not the only fundraiser family and other community members have thrown together in support of this family. QuakerSteak and Lube in Charleston also held a Dine to Donate event on April 25th. There is also a BINGO night scheduled for May 21st at the Arnoldsburg Park with doors opening at 5p.m. Concessions will also be available. 

If you or your business would like to make a contribution to either the Falls Family directly or their bingo please contact Ridgeview News by phone text or email and we will connect you with the right people or places to do so. #teamAiden