Crimes/Punishment News

Tara Metz Jailed for Assault in Grantsville

In a complaint filed in Calhoun Magistrate Court, Corporal D.C. Moore of the West Virginia State Police stated that on February 1, 2023 Michelle Kellar advised him that she was assaulted by Tara Metz. She advised Cpl. Moore that she had been walking toward Walgreens and was walking a little behind Metz. Tara Metz turned around and began cussing Kellar saying that she was going to “beat her a- -“ Metz then dropped what she was carrying and started pulling her jackets off making a threatening gesture.

Kellar said that she was in fear of bodily harm and kept backing away from the accused. She said that after a minute Tara Metz walked away and headed toward Gino’s.

Cpl. Moore stated that the victim was physically shaken by incident.

Tara Elizabeth Metz was arrested on February 7, 2023 and taken to WV Central Regional Jail where she is being held on $6,000 bond.
